Throughout the next year, and until the implementation of the New Translation of the Roman Missal, The Authentic Update will focus on issues surrounding the New Translation and developments in Sacred Music arising from it. I hope you will visit here frequently and join in the conversation as the Church enters into this remarkable period of liturgical transformation.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Holy Week - Easter- Divine Mercy Sunday Blogging Break

It's unlikely I'll be making any posts here or even taking much time to read other blogs for the next week or two. My calendar is heavily booked up from morning into evening with rehearsals, meetings, liturgies and other Holy Week related activities...then of course there is EASTER! After that, I have a brief week to assemble, rehearse and execute what will be about a 3-hour long Divine Mercy Sunday devotional liturgy, as well as practice with the Schola for the Second Anniversary Mass at Christ The King Parish (FSSP) on May 7th which includes a variety of chants and a Mass setting that I very definitely need to review (Hassler Missa Brevis).

I'm not complaining mind you... this is one of those things that just happens every year and has happened every year for as long as I've been doing this...which is a pretty long time now! Pope John Paul II could have had a little more compassion for the faithful church musicians by placing Divine Mercy Sunday, oh let's say sometime in July.

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