Throughout the next year, and until the implementation of the New Translation of the Roman Missal, The Authentic Update will focus on issues surrounding the New Translation and developments in Sacred Music arising from it. I hope you will visit here frequently and join in the conversation as the Church enters into this remarkable period of liturgical transformation.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Simple English Propers at Mass

This is the Simple English Proper (communion) for the Third Sunday of Lent. I generally chant this alone for the Saturday and early Sunday Masses, and then the Schola chants it at the 11:00 Mass. This is from the 9:00am Mass...the recording begins at the "Agnus Dei".

And HERE is the version by the 11:00am Schola, also starting at the "Agnus Dei"... notice how enthusiastically the assembly chants it!